Friday, September 17, 2021

NFL Season Idea

     This year, the NFL will be playing 17 games which is one more than they played in years past. I have an idea that would probably never get approved but it is fun to think about. This might be a insane idea but it works out in my head perfectly.

    Since there are now 17 games, wouldn't it be fun if every player could only play 16 games? It would put a ton of strategy into the game and the season. Teams would have to decide if they want to sit their star players in games that will be an easy win or games that they have no shot at winning. There is also the chance of those players are going to get hurt for a game so you might want to hold out until close to the end of the season. The problem with that though, is teams that wait until close to the end of the year might find themselves in playoff contention and need those star players to win meaningful games. There would just be so much strategy that would go into the season and it would be fun to watch. It also gives the backups a chance to shine and make a name for themselves. Imagine a team is going into their 17th game and they have to win it but their quarterback does not have any games left. Their backup quarterback would have to come in and try and win them the most important game of the season. I think that it would be crazy to see how teams go about this rule and what teams get hurt by it.

    The one problem for us watching the game would be fantasy football. You would have no control on when the teams will sit your star player and it could be in your championship matchups. I think that it would suck for the fantasy aspect of things but the season would be wild. Fantasy football would be very different if this ever happened and I do not think it would be as popular as it is today. It is very interesting to think about and there would have to be a lot of thought that goes into making that decision.

    Tell me what you think about this idea in the comments below! I want to hear how you feel if this rule ever got approved and would it make the season more interesting. I also have a poll attached that you can vote in.

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