Sunday, September 12, 2021

NBA Expansion?

     The NBA, like the MLB. has had talks about expanding their league to 32 teams. I think that it will be easier to expand the NBA than the MLB because they have two markets that are strong possibilities. Seattle, Washington and Las Vegas, Nevada are the two cities that make the most sense and it would be a shock if they both do not get a team.

    Seattle makes the most sense, especially after Seattle got a NHL team and the arena there has been renovated. Ever since the Seattle Supersonics left for Oklahoma City, people have been trying to get another team in Seattle. I think that it is a done deal for the NBA to expand to Seattle and I do not see too many obstacles being in their way. Seattle probably still has a fanbase that does not have a new alliance to another team so it will probably not be a problem to get a fanbase to support them.

    Las Vegas has also been in the news as another possibility of expansion for the NBA. I think that every major professional sport will make their way to the Las Vegas area and the NBA is no exception. I think that they will be there before the MLB finds their way there and they area have an arena there that the Las Vegas Golden Knights use. Both, Seattle and Las Vegas have the arenas in place to make the transition to these cities seamless. 

    Expansion to these cities would also help realign the conferences that are already in place. Both, Seattle and Las Vegas can join the Western Conference and that would help move the Memphis Grizzlies or the New Orleans to the Eastern Conference. Only one on these teams would be able to move since the conferences would not be even if they both did. Both of the teams are closer to the East coast so it only makes since that they are in the Eastern Conference. 

    There are not too many other cities that can make a strong case for a NBA team but I believe that Louisville, Kentucky would make an interesting case since the state of Kentucky is a huge basketball state. I just do not think that they will get a team before Seattle or Las Vegas but they could always be a possibility for a team to relocate there. I believe that the NBA has already decided on their expansion cities and they are just waiting for the time to announce them.

Where do you want the NBA to expand to? Comment down blew and click the link to vote in a poll!

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