Saturday, September 18, 2021

Clippers New Home

     The groundbreaking ceremony for the Los Angeles Clippers' new arena was yesterday and it looks amazing. The Clippers are leaving the Staples Center, which they share with the Los Angeles Lakers, in the 2024-25 season when they move into the Intuit Dome. The arena will be located in Inglewood, California and the cost of the satdium will be around the $1.8 billion range.

    The Inuit Dome is going to be huge and have a two-sided halo scoreboard the circles around the entire setaing bowl. It is a real upgrade from the Staples Center and they will finally have a place to call their own. It looks like SoFi Stadium but in basketball form and I really like it. The Clippers needed a new arena that they could call their own and this is definitely a good looking arena. I think that it will be good to finally get out of the shadow that the Lakers have put them in and it could translate to more success on the court.

    This is another stadium/arena that is going above and beyond for fan experience, and I think that teams will continue to try and build something better than the team before them did. Stadiums are going to continue to grow and as years go by, we will continue to be amazed by the extraordinary stadiums that teams build. The Intuit Dome is going to be fun to see when it is finally completed and teh Clippers get to play a game in their in front of their fans. The Clippers finally beat the Lakers in something and they do not have to live in their shadow anymore because they can create their own brand and fanbase in Inglewood 

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